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Belonging to the Fidelidade Group

Our Culture

What we are made of​​​​​​​​​​

Our culture is what makes us strong. We recognise the importance of having a diverse pool of people in order to best respond to our clients' needs. Our wellbeing is reflected externally, directly from our People to the world. We strive to ensure that each person within the Organisation feels valued and part of a safe and diverse environment, so that they can reach their full potential. Get to know the Fidelidade Group culture here.
We prioritise wellbeing

We want to contribute to a high level of overall wellbeing and an increase in the quality of life inside and outside work, as well as a balanced management of personal and professional life.

*In the Fidelidade group (Portugal, Spain and France), where Collective Labor Agreements are available and be a membership is opcional,around 99% of workers choose to adthere (data od december 2023). 

We feel we belong

We live in an increasingly global and diverse context, so diversity is part of our daily concerns. We follow a direction that involves conscious work, so that everyone feels that they belong to the organisation, have the same opportunities, and reflect who we are as a Group.

*At the Fidelidade Group, we calculate the gender pay gap by answering the question: “On average, what is the difference in pay between male and female employees who perform the same work and have the same responsibilities?”. For around 70% of Fidelidade Group employees around the world (Portugal and Peru), the average pay gap between men and women is around - 3.3% and the median -2,1% (data of December 2023). The median salary gap between men and women was calculated using the ratio of the difference between the median salaries of both genders and the median salary of men, for each set of employees with the same role and responsibility. In order to summarize the various populations, the average value of the various populations was considered as the Fidelidade Group's median salary gap. Through monitoring, auditing and reviewing nominal Gender Pay Gap cases, each possible salary gap is analyzed nominally, with a commitment to a Gender Pay Gap value below 5% for the Fidelidade Group in all countries by 2025.

We want to see you shine

We believe that true success is only achieved when every member of our team shines. We therefore value the unique potential of each individual. We encourage a culture of continuous learning and development, which helps to boost curiosity, adaptability and reinforce a growth mindset.

*In 2023, 296.200 hours of training were offered.** Does not include VET, Allianz Paraguai, Garantia, Fidelidade Mozambique, Tenax, TPC and Fidelidade branches in Beijing and France.



WeCare is the core element of our culture that sets us apart from other organisations. WeCare is about being there for Everyone, be they clients, colleagues or partners. It is about being able and genuinely willing to contribute in both small and large ways, going beyond what is already expected.


Looking towards the future

Innovation is a core value at the Fidelidade Group, enabling us to maintain our leading position in the insurance industry by constantly adapting to new market trends and demands. We work to provide an ecosystem of opportunities that leverages the continuous development of skills and the strengthening of our People's knowledge.


Sustainability is in our DNA

Because we protect people and preserve the assets of families and companies - our business is to prepare for the future so that life doesn't stop. Sustainability is intrinsic to our business and is, and always has been, its cornerstone. We therefore place sustainability at the core of our business to drive growth and be active agents in the transition to a more sustainable and inclusive world!

*The turnover rate for the Fidelidade Group in Portugal is 8% (% of departures from the Organisation over the total number of employees) as of December 2022. For the same period, the attrition rate for the Fidelidade Group in Portugal is 4% (% of voluntary departures from the Organisation over the total number of employees). As for the Fidelidade Group (including International Operations), the turnover rate is 17%.
